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About Eco-Vegan Gal

Established in 2008 by Whitney Lauritsen, Eco-Vegan Gal is an online empowerment resource for people curious about how to be better to their bodies and the planet. This trusted brand offers inspiration, support and guidance to anyone on a journey to become healthier and happier.

Top Articles

Click on the icons to read them, or click here to search the old site.

How To Gain Weight on the Vegan Diet

“It might seem strange to do an article on gaining weight when most people are concerned with losing it, but I’ve received several questions from women and men who are struggling to keep weight on the plant-based diet.”

The Lowdown on Unrefined Sweeteners

Are sweeteners like agave nectar healthier or just as bad as any sugar? Over time, I learned that all unrefined sugars have some drawbacks. I outline the details in this article.

Is Palm Oil Vegan?

Exploring the confusing and touchy subject of palm oil, with suggestions on how to keep your purchases as ethical as possible.


Watch Whitney’s videos on Facebook and YouTube, view her stories on Instagram, view her photos and read her social media posts on the accounts below:

About Whitney

Whitney Lauritsen is a vegan content creator, online business specialist and healthy living crusader. 2018 marks her 10th year running Eco-Vegan Gal, where she makes videos and social media posts that demonstrate how to develop a lifestyle in harmony with the body and the planet.

Passionate about business and marketing, Whitney has helped countless entrepreneurs and small business owners create strategies for social media, YouTube and brand building. Her Creative Wellth and Wellevatr events and training programs help wellness influencers and small business owners develop monetization strategies.