while EcoVeganGal.com receives a makeover.
About Eco-Vegan Gal
Established in 2008 by Whitney Lauritsen, Eco-Vegan Gal is an online empowerment resource for people curious about how to be better to their bodies and the planet. This trusted brand offers inspiration, support and guidance to anyone on a journey to become healthier and happier.
Top Articles
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How To Gain Weight on the Vegan Diet
The Lowdown on Unrefined Sweeteners
Is Palm Oil Vegan?
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Natural Hair Products That Work Wonders!
I’ve been using natural hair care products since 2003 (at least). I decided to go vegan back then and I started learning about cruelty-free body care. It was an easy choice for me to switch to plant-based shampoo and conditioner. But it took some time for me to figure out what worked best for my hair. In fact, I’ve been experimenting ever since with a few hits and many misses. Recently, I received cleansing, conditioning and styling products from Pureland and I’ve been absolutely blown away by how great they make my hair look and feel.
About Whitney
Whitney Lauritsen is a well-being coach, podcast host, vegan content creator, and success strategist. She founded Eco-Vegan Gal in 2008 to share lifestyle practices and product recommendations that improve the quality of body, mind, and planet. Her books include best-seller The Vegan Ketogenic Diet Cookbook and Healthy Organic Vegan on a Budget.
As an advocate for high-performance living and mental health, Whitney’s launched Wellevatr and the show This Might Get Uncomfortable. The podcast episodes and online training programs help people elevate their well-being to feel more joyful, vibrant, connected, and fulfilled.
Passionate about business, Whitney advises creative entrepreneurs with digital marketing strategies that amplify their passions. She regularly coaches, consults, and presents on social media trends, influencer partnerships, and content monetization. A six-year stint teaching workshops at the Apple Store advanced her tech knowledge and experience. She has participated in business programs lead by Google, Facebook, and Scripps Network. Recognized by her colleagues as a connector, Whitney has run numerous wellness industry events at YouTube Space and the Natural Products Expo.

Products and Services
Online Communities
- The Vegan Ketogenic Diet Cookbook
- Healthy Organic Vegan on a Budget
- The Insider’s Guide to Natural Products Expo
- Beyond Measure (coming soon)
Product Recommendations
- “Food Is My Health Care” t-shirts (almost sold out!)
- Eco-Vegan Pal Care Packages (seasonal)
Watch Whitney’s videos on Facebook and YouTube, view her stories on Instagram, view her photos and read her social media posts on the accounts below:
Popular Social Posts
Cheap, Healthy, Easy Vegan Meals on YouTube; Holiday To Do List on Facebook; Eating at By Chloe on Instagram; and Tweeting about Soledad Farm.
Cheap Healthy Easy Vegan Meals on YouTube
Holiday to do list
Instagram @EatByChloe
Tweet @SoledadFarm